Monday, May 27, 2013

Electro Pop

Who said neon belongs in the 80's? Definitely not us. We are bringing back colors abandoned 30 years ago and making them our own. Emmalee rocks the look in turquoise spandex leggings, a black knit crop top, jean button up, and bright red clogs. We put the twist on bright colors by mixing it up with trending looks right now, like crop tops and denim. Don't be afraid to mix some neon pieces into your summer wardrobe and show some skin, while keeping it classy. Layer accesories like the necklace made of bouncy balls and the other of pearls. Bright colors don’t just have to be your clothes, try some bright shades of lipstick, or eye popping shoes on top of a simple outfit. This summer change it up. Be bold and add pops of electric color!
American Apparel top, Creative Growth ball necklace, thrifted: clogs, denim button up, leggings, earrings, and pearl necklace.
